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What Not To Move When Moving To A New Home


Does it seem weird for a moving company to tell you what NOT to move to your new home? It shouldn’t, because a reputable moving company like Cowboy Moving & Storage in Denver wants your moving experience to be as positive as possible. That’s why their moving experts put together this list of items that are best left behind when moving to a new home in Colorado.


Don’t Move Your Old Furniture


If certain pieces of furniture are worn-out, damaged or falling apart, save your money and get rid of it. Why? If it’s in bad shape, it might not survive the move. It’s wise to measure your furniture and make sure it will fit in your new home. At Cowboy Moving & Storage, we’ve seen this issue lots of times, when furniture has been moved and won’t fit into the space clients thought it would.


Think Twice About Moving Appliances


Are your appliances old or not energy-efficient? If so, it might make sense to sell or donate them before your move, instead of paying to move them. Also, double check if your new home’s previous owners are leaving appliances. You don’t want to have duplicate ones.


Get Rid Of Old Clothes And Shoes


Rather than pay to move old clothing, take the time to ask yourself—have you worn it during the past year? If not, it’s a good sign that it’s time to donate or discard the item. Moving to a new home is a great time to streamline your wardrobe.


Do You Really Need Those Outdated Electronics Or Cables?


Don’t waste time moving old computers, phones or accessories that aren’t useful anymore. Declutter and only keep the ones you know you’ll use.


Don’t Move Old Books And Magazines


These can weigh a lot. If you’ve got books and magazines that have been sitting on your shelves or in boxes for years, donate or sell them.


Talk To A Moving Expert


The moving experts at Cowboy Moving & Storage in Denver have lots of great ideas to make your moving experience a great one. Look at our website or call us. To get your free estimate and to find out more about “The Recommended Mover” in Colorado, call 303-789-2200.

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